Live Rich
by Stephen M. Pollan and Mark Levine, Harper Business, New York, 1999

Not everyone will like this book. I disagreed with some of their conclusions. However, the authors also present some fresh ideas that are not always popular or conventional. If you read their first one, Die Broke and found it interesting, then you will be sure to see this as more realistic and worth reading. Either way it will challenge some of your assumptions about work and success.

The four tenets of the Live Rich philosophy, are:

  • Make money. This advice is in direct challenge to the principles found in "Do what you love and the money will follow". Live Rich says hogwash.
  • Don’t grow, change. The advice is to constantly be able to reinvent yourself.
  • Take charge. In today’s environment you have to be proactive and willing to take risks.
  • Become a mercenary. Think of yourself as a free agent, responsible for your own security.

It really isn’t bad advice, any way you look at it. Point worth considering? Remember that although most of us would like to find fulfillment and meaning in our careers and job, it will probably not happen. It is this very expectation that may be a primary cause of so much stress, burnout and a complete lack of balance in our lives.

RFH (99/11)

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