A Short Guide to a Happy Life.
by Anna Quindlen, random Housel, New York. 2000
, ISBN 0-375-50461-3

What is not to like about a book that is less than 50 pages and has a word count that will probably be less than this book review?  You will either love it or find it trite and sentimental.  From my rating, you can see that I am one of those who liked it. My friend and business partner, Ginger, gave it to me for Christmas and it was the perfect break from my hectic life.  So it isn't as deep as Anne Morrow Lindbergh's wonderful gem of a book: "Gift from the Sea", but it does help us to focus on the things that are important.  Nor do I think that is will surpass the success of "Hope for the Flowers" by Trina Paulus which has just had its twenty-fifth anniversary.  So who cares - it was uplifting and made me appreciate all the things that I have in my life.  The photographs were great.  The best part - it is the perfect gift for people who hate to read.  Even non readers can sit down and enjoy this book.

RFH (01/01)

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